Advanced Custom Fields version 5.8.8 is now available. This is an update for both our ACF and ACF PRO plugins, and we encourage you to update your sites as soon as possible.

This release contains a handful of bug fixes and improvements to solve various issues reported since the last release.

*Release Date - 4 March 2020*

* Fix - Fixed bug in have_rows() function causing a PHP warning when no value is found.
* Fix - Fixed bug in Google Maps field causing marker to snap to nearest address.
* Fix - Avoid Nav Menu items displaying twice in WordPress 5.4.
* Tweak - Added place name data to Google Maps field value.
* Tweak - Improved performance of PHP registered fields.
* Dev - Added new "acf/prepare_field_group_for_import" filter.
* i18n - Added Traditional Chinese translation thanks to Audi Lu.
* i18n - Added Catalan translation thanks to Jordi Tarrida.
* i18n - Updated French translation thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet & Bérenger Zyla.