18 Jan

ACF 6.0.7

By Liam Gladdy

Advanced Custom Fields version 6.0.7 is now available. This release contains some bug fixes and improvements while we continue to work on the next major release of ACF.

👨‍💻 Please find the release notes below. And for the latest ACF news, follow us on Twitter @wp_acf.


  • Improvement – Removed unnecessary “Layout” prefix text in the admin UI for Flexible Content field layouts
  • Fix – Dragging and dropping fields containing settings rendered as radio button groups no longer removes the selected value
  • Fix – Using the WordPress default_page_template_title filter with two parameters no longer causes a fatal error
  • Fix – Select2 inputs in the content editor are no longer receiving styles from the ACF 6 admin UI
  • Fix – acf_add_local_field_group() now works with field group titles containing non-ASCII characters
  • Fix – Flexible Content field no longer has a missing icon for the “Duplicate” button
  • Fix – Clicking the “Add Field” button in a Flexible Content layout no longer adds an invalid field if there are other Flexible Content fields in the layout
  • Fix – Edit buttons for ACF blocks now behave correctly inside reusable blocks
  • Fix – Field settings rendered as a select2 field now correctly reinitialize when changing between field types

🙌 Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible.

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