16 Feb

ACF PRO 5.12 RC1

By Liam Gladdy

Building upon our two beta releases, we’re excited to announce that ACF PRO 5.12 RC1 is now available. 🥳 🎉

To access this release, please login to your account, navigate to the “Licenses” page and select version “5.12-RC1” from the available downloads.

Further block edit mode restrictions

As we announced in Beta 1 and Beta 2, ACF 5.12 will disable edit mode for any ACF Blocks used inside WordPress 5.9 new Full Site Editor as it’s not possible to use bundled or third party libraries such as select2 and jquery-ui’s date-picker inside that iframe.

ACF PRO 5.12 RC1 extends this restriction to additional places the block editor iFrame is used, such as mobile and tablet previews and the template editor which is loaded inside the normal block editor.

Whilst the default block editor experience is unchanged, we’re aware of the limitations this brings to ACF blocks in the new contexts added in WordPress 5.9, especially if you’re using complex fields like repeaters in a block. We’ll continue working on this issue alongside the Gutenberg team to enable loading of third party libraries into the block editor iframe in a future release.

Full Changelog for ACF 5.12

Changes in RC1

  • New – Disable edit mode for blocks viewed in the block editor’s mobile and tablet preview modes
  • Fix – Correctly apply edit mode block restrictions in template editor view of block editor
  • Fix – Warnings and PHP 8.1 deprecation notices in REST API
  • Fix – Better support for double byte characters in “acf_get_truncated” (props @cabradb)
  • i18n – Broken link in the Croatian translation
  • i18n – Automated building of acf.pot for translators in each release

Changes from Beta 2

  • New – Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor
  • New – ACF blocks in the new Site Editor are now forced into “preview” mode for better compatibility
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where block “$context” was not available in preloaded blocks or frontend rendering in 5.12-beta1
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where anchors weren’t working correctly in WordPress 5.9
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where the “unfiltered_html” capability wasn’t being used by ACF blocks

Changes from Beta 1

  • New – ACF blocks now have preliminary support for the WordPress Query Loop block
  • New – ACF blocks now have preliminary support for the new Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9
  • Enhancement – Block preloading can now be disabled by using “acf_update_setting( ‘preload_blocks’, false );” in the “acf/init” action hook
  • Enhancement – ACF and ACF Pro will now detect if each other are active and deactivate the other plugin on plugin activation
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where it was impossible to update an ACF block inside the widget block editor
  • Fix – Fixed an issue where ACF fields might not appear in REST API calls made via internal WordPress functions

Please download and test out this release candidate of ACF PRO 5.12. We’d really appreciate any feedback!

🙌 Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible. Think you’ve found a bug? Please post in detail a new support ticket or over on our GitHub repo.

About the Author

For plugin support, please contact our support team directly, as comments aren't actively monitored.