This article will cover how to create a form on the front end of your website to add new content. Getting started If you have not already, please familiarize yourself with the acf form functions. Two functions are available to create a work... Continue Reading
Need to dynamically populate a field’s choices? This tutorial shows how to take a value saved to an options page and use it to override the choices array for a Select field. The ‘choices’ array attribute is also used with ... Continue Reading
This tutorial will cover the techniques to query relationship fields in both directions. The example used will be “Doctors” and “Locations”. Screenshots To save time, this tutorial will not cover the setup process fo... Continue Reading
Creating and displaying nested repeater / flexible content fields is very easy using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. This article will demonstrate how to build a simple to-do list that uses a nested repeater to output groups of items. Fi... Continue Reading
Each field group contains a set of location rules. These rules are used to decide where to show the field group throughout the WP admin. It is possible to create your own location rules, or even modify existing rules using the following fil... Continue Reading
The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is packed with loads of useful field types such as text, image and WYSIWYG. However, when working on a project, it may be necessary to create a new type of field to save & load unique data. This guide w... Continue Reading
Description The WYSIWYG field contains an option to define the toolbar (buttons) which are rendered onto the tinyMCE object. By default, you can select ‘Full’ or ‘Basic’, however, it is possible to extend these toolb... Continue Reading
This article will cover how to add custom JS to interact with and modify ACF fields and settings. Similar to the many WordPress actions and filters available in PHP, ACF adopts a similar model for it’s Javascript. Getting Started Ther... Continue Reading