This weekend we will be performing some server maintenance that may affect your workflow. Please read this post to learn what we are doing and why.
We have recently experienced a lot of server trouble resulting in slow connections and down time ☹️. Firstly, let me apologize for this, it is completely unacceptable and will be fixed very shortly. Let me also thank you for your patience and support over the past few weeks. I know many of you have been experiencing slow plugin update checks and even timeout issues when activating your ACF PRO licenses!
I have tried to work with our hosting in an attempt to diagnose and fix the issue, however, it is clear that they have no interest in reviewing the issue ?.
Yes, we are moving to a new web host – SiteGround! With an amazing support team and powerful hosting solutions, SiteGround are already proving to be a great choice.
We are planning to migrate across this weekend (Saturday 27th – Sunday 28th May) with minimal downtime. Here is the plan:
Resources and support will remain available during the migration! The store will be temporarily disabled alongside ACF PRO license activations.
With all things going to plan, the ACF website’s should be up and running on Sunday (depending on your location)! Please expect a few hiccups, and check our twitter for latest info during the migration @wp_acf.
Thanks again for your patience and support. Have a great work week and we’ll see you on our new server next week!