29 Sep 23

- Tagged in "Features" -

Conditional Logic

Overview Conditional logic allows you to set rules regarding when a custom field should appear, based on the values of other fields in the same field group. The “Conditional Logic” setting tab is available for most ACF field types, giving you a great degree of control in how fields are presented to content editors. Conditional […]

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17 Feb 22

WP REST API Integration

Learn how to access and update ACF data using the WordPress REST API.

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17 Feb 22

HTML Escaping

Introduction ACF 5.10 introduced an important security feature, HTML escaping. First introduced as an experimental feature in ACF 5.9.6, it ensures that all HTML content rendered by ACF is passed through the WordPress wp_kses() function. By... Continue Reading

17 Feb 22

Integrating Custom Field Types With the WordPress REST API

Learn how to add custom field types to the WordPress REST API.

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17 Feb 22

Updates to ACF Field Functions in 5.11

Updates to ACF Field Functions in 5.11 In versions of ACF prior to 5.11, the ACF shortcode , along with the get_field() and the_field() functions, could also be used to retrieve WordPress options or post, user or term meta values which were... Continue Reading

11 Dec 14

Synchronized JSON

Synchronized JSON is a feature (added in version 5.1.5) which detects changes to local JSON files and allows the user to update the corresponding field groups within the Database. This functionality is visible when viewing the field group a... Continue Reading

12 Jul 14

Local JSON

Local JSON is a helpful feature which saves field groups, post types, taxonomies, and option pages as JSON files within your theme. The idea is similar to caching, and both dramatically speeds up ACF and allows for version control over your... Continue Reading

6 Jul 14

Options Page

Introduced in ACF PRO 6.2, the Options Pages UI simplifies the process of creating new, customized admin and sub-admin pages to edit ACF fields. All data saved on an options page is global and saved in the wp_options table, rather than atta... Continue Reading