Woo 🎉😄! We just released version 2.0.0 updates for ALL 4 ACF Add-ons! These updates are an exciting milestone for the ACF plugin as they provide compatibility for the upcoming ACF version 5 (currently in early access)!
Please update your ACF Add-ons when possible and also consider updating ACF to version 5. ACF 5 is a huge leap forward in features, design, stability and more! You can read more about getting ACF5 with our ACF 5 Early Access Guide.
All Add-ons (version 2.0.0) are compatible with both ACF 4 and ACF 5. You should expect to see no changes after updating 😎👍.
- Added support for ACF version 5
- Added support for ACF version 5
- New UI when used with ACF 5
- Added support for ACF version 5
- Added support for ACF version 5
- Added new settings to the acf_add_options_page() function
- Added new acf_add_options_sub_page() function