Available for both free and PRO
This update is also available for the free version of ACF via our Early Access feature! ACF 5 is compatible with all premium add-ons and will be officially released mid 2018. If possible, please enable Early Access on your websites and update to ACF 5 and let us know about your update experience!
- Core: Added basic compatibility with Gutenberg – values now save correctly
- User field: Added new ‘Return Format’ setting (Array, Object, ID)
- Core: Fixed bug affecting the loading of fields on new Menu Items
- Core: Changed ‘Post Type’ location rule to only show those who support ‘show_ui’ setting
- Fixed conditional logic bug affecting tab hidden fields
- Added new acf/load_fields filter to modify fields loaded for a given parent
- Added new acf/pre_render_fields filter to modify fields about to be rendered
- Added new acf/render_fields action called after fields are rendered
- Added new acf/get_post_types filter to customize post types shown within ACF settings
- Fixed ‘Navigate away’ prompt when editing widgets
- Added ‘min’ and ‘max’ attributes to the range field number input