ACF Blocks: Advanced Concepts

18 Jun

Compiling Multiple ACF Blocks With Scripts

Introduction The WordPress block editor has revolutionized the way we can create content in WordPress. Whether you’re developing a custom ACF Block, a theme, or a plugin, effective tooling can help make your development workflows fast... Continue Reading

22 May

Save ACF Block Field Values to Post Meta

By default, WordPress stores a block’s field data inside the block’s HTML comment in post_content. This is usually fine, but you may also want to create an ACF Block that saves and reads its data from post meta instead, thus making it e... Continue Reading

24 Jan

Using Context With ACF Blocks

ACF Blocks opens the door to more creative building possibilities. One example we previously explored was using InnerBlocks and parent/child relationships, where we nested ACF Blocks inside of each other. Nesting your ACF Blocks organizes y... Continue Reading

24 Jan

Extending ACF Blocks With Block Supports

Overview The WordPress Block Supports API offers plenty of features to extend your ACF Blocks. Additional attributes are passed to your block when you opt in to these features. Often, these features enable different parts of the block edito... Continue Reading

4 Dec

ACF Blocks: How to Use Block Locking

Locking down your ACF Blocks with block locking ensures those blocks can’t be removed or modified in unauthorized ways. You can think of block locking as a safety mechanism, whether you’re using it on a client’s WordPress site or one ... Continue Reading

11 Oct

ACF Blocks: Using InnerBlocks and Parent/Child Relationships

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to utilize the InnerBlocks component within an ACF Block. We’ll also demonstrate how you can leverage relationships to nest blocks while limiting their discoverability. By the end of the tuto... Continue Reading

17 Feb

Block API v2

Introduction Since WordPress 5.6, the block editor has a new version of the Block API. The ACF 5.10 release introduced support for the Block API v2. This is only available when ACF is installed on sites using WordPress 5.6 and above. Change... Continue Reading