15 Jun

- Tagged in "Field Types" / Page 2 -


Description The Link field allows a link to be selected or defined (url, title, target) by using the native WordPress link popup. Screenshots The Link field interface The Link field settings Changelog Added in version 5.6.0. Settings Return value Specifies the format of the returned data. Choose from Link Array (array of data) or Link […]

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2 Sep

Radio Button

Description The Radio Button field creates a list of select-able inputs. Screenshots The Radio Button field interface The Radio Button field settings Changelog Added Return Format setting in version 5.4.0. Added Allow Null setting in versio... Continue Reading

22 Jul


Overview The Clone field allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database. Instead, it loads and displays the selected fields at run time. You may also select one (or more) field groups, mak... Continue Reading

30 May

Time Picker

Description The Time Picker field creates a jQuery time selection popup. Screenshots The Time Picker field interface The Time Picker field settings Changelog Added in version 5.3.9. Settings Display Format The time format that is displayed ... Continue Reading

30 May

Date Time Picker

Description The Date Time Picker field creates a jQuery date & time selection popup. Screenshots The Date Time Picker field interface The Date Time Picker field settings Changelog Added in version 5.3.9. Settings Display Format The date... Continue Reading

22 Jan


Description The Tab field is used to group together fields into tabbed sections. When editing a field group, be aware that all fields following the Tab field (or until another Tab field is defined) will be grouped together using the Tab fie... Continue Reading

2 Apr


Description The oEmbed field provides an interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio, and other content. This field makes use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality. Screenshots The oEmbed field interface The oEm... Continue Reading

20 Jan


Description The Taxonomy field allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms. Screenshots Changelog Split setting load_save_terms into load_terms and save_terms in version 5.2.7. Create Terms added in version 5.2.3 Settings Taxonomy Se... Continue Reading

8 Nov

Google Map

Description The Google Map field provides an interactive map interface for selecting a location. This field type uses the Google Maps JS API to provide autocomplete searching, reverse geocoding lookup and an interactive marker. New The Goog... Continue Reading

19 Feb

Text Area

Description The Text Area field creates a basic textarea input, useful to store simple (i.e., unstyled) paragraphs of text to use in your theme. Screenshots Changelog Formatting setting removed in version 5.0.0. Rows setting added in 4.3.5.... Continue Reading