7 Jul 17

- Tagged in "Locations" -

Adding fields to Posts

This guide will demonstrate how to add custom fields to a WordPress Post and how to then modify the post’s template file HTML. Posts are the most common way to create, edit and organize content. Posts, Pages and custom posts types are all considered as Post objects of different post types.   Adding fields The […]

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14 Jun 17

Adding fields to Menu Items

This guide will demonstrate how to add custom fields to a WordPress Menu Item and how to then modify the Menu Item’s HTML. Menus are used to organize a group of links (menu items) for your theme to display as navigation. If you are un... Continue Reading

14 Jun 17

Adding fields to Menus

This guide will demonstrate how to add custom fields to a WordPress Menu and how to then modify the Menu’s HTML. Menus are used to organize a group of links (menu items) for your theme to display as navigation. If you are unfamiliar w... Continue Reading

3 Jul 14

Get values from a widget

All the template functions (get_field, the_field, etc) can be used to load values from a widget, however, a second parameter is required to target the term. This is similar to passing through a $post_id parameter to target a specific post o... Continue Reading

3 Jul 14

How to get values from a comment

To display custom field values within comments, you will need to setup a custom callback function for the wp_list_comments() function. This is well explained in an article Creating a custom comment list. All template functions can be used w... Continue Reading

3 Mar 13

Get Values From a User

All the template functions (get_field, the_field, etc) can be used to load values from a user, with a second parameter required to target the user. This is similar to passing through a $post_id parameter to target a specific post object. Th... Continue Reading

3 Mar 13

Adding fields to Media Attachments

This guide will demonstrate how to add custom fields to a WordPress Attachment and how to then display these fields. All the template functions (get_field(), the_field(), etc) can be used to load values from a media attachment, however, a s... Continue Reading

3 Mar 13

Adding Fields to a Taxonomy Term

This guide will demonstrate how add custom fields to a Taxonomy Term and then modify the term’s template file HTML. Terms can be items such as WordPress categories, tags or other custom taxonomies that have been added to your site. For ex... Continue Reading

3 Mar 13

Get values from an options page

All the template functions (get_field, the_field, etc) can be used to load values from an options page, however, a second parameter is required to target the options page. This is similar to passing through a $post_id parameter to target a ... Continue Reading