24 Oct

ACF 5.8.6 Release

Advanced Custom Fields version 5.8.6 is now available. This is an update for both our ACF and ACF PRO plugins, and we encourage you to update your sites as soon as possible.

🎉 New – Additional data for Google Map fields

This update provides additional data for Google Map field values. Previously, the value saved contained only the address, lat and lng values. In this update, we expanded on this adding the current zoom level alongside optional data for street_number, street_name, city, state, post_code and country!

Checkout the Google Maps documentation for more info.


This release contains a handful of bug fixes and improvements to solve various issues reported since the last release.

*Release Date - 24 October 2019*

* New - Added more data to Google Maps field value including place_id, street_name, country and more.
* Fix - Fixed bug in Gallery field incorrectly displaying .pdf attachments as icons.
* Fix - Fixed bug in Checkbox field missing "selected" class after "Toggle All".
* Dev - Added compatibility for Attachments in the Post Taxonomy location rule.
* Dev - Added missing return statement from acf_get_form() function.
* Dev - Added "google_map_result" JS filter.