Hi guys,
I’ve just tracked down and fixed a mischievous bug that may delay the ACF PRO plugin from updating. The bug only affects websites that have no other theme or plugin updates available at the time.
If the ‘Custom Fields > Updates’ page is showing an update, but the ‘Plugins’ page doesn’t, worry no more!
Great! How do I fix it?
The fix is simple. Please edit the file: core/updates.php
on line 92

// bail early if no response (dashboard showed an error)
if( empty($transient->response) ) return $transient;

// bail early if no response (dashboard showed an error)
if( !isset($transient->response) ) return $transient;
If you would rather just replace the file, please follow this link to view the forum thread for this bug: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/acf-pro-update-bug/
Do I need to apply this fix to all my websites?
No. Over time, another plugin update will become available and this will allow ACF PRO to append it’s update information. This might add a week or so delay for your clients to update ACF PRO, however, this should not cause any issues to live websites.
Thanks to those who notified me of this issue and helped get it fixed!
Cheers Elliot