13 Jun

ACF v4.1.6 released

By Elliot Condon

Just uploaded! A new version for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin has been released. Here is the overview:

  • General: Improved load_value function to better handle false and default values
  • Number field: Added new options for min, max and step – credits
  • Radio field: Improved logic for selecting the value. Now works with 0, false, null and any other ’empty’ value – credits
  • Date picker field: Fixed PHP error – credits
  • Language: Added Portuguese translation – credits
  • Taxonomy: Updated JS to clear image / file and checkbox elements when a new category is added via AJAX – credits
  • Validation: Added logic to allow a field to bypass validation if it is part of a tab group which is hidden via conditional logic
  • API: Improved the acf_form function to better handle form attributes


In general, version 4.1.6 improves a lot of core field functionality. Values will now be loaded in a smarter way that will result in more false, and less ”.

You can see from the changelog above that the number field got some new options, and a lot of minor JS, CSS and PHP improvements have been made.

Thanks again for all your help and support. v4.1.7 will begin development soon to add in new functionality for the radio button field (‘other’ choice), then the big 4.2.0 version will be released to offer full support for custom fields for attachments!

About the Author

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