Hot off the press! A new version for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin has been released. Here is the overview:
- Language: Added Russian translation – Thanks to Alex Torscho
- Core: Improved the save_post function to compare post_id and only run once.
- Core: Improved cache handling
- Number field: Fixed step size decimal bug
- Radio button field: Add option for ‘other’ and to also update field choices
- Image / File field: Updated JS to add multiple items to the correct sub field – credits
- JS: Remove redundant return ajax value – credits
- Add-ons page: fix JS issue – credits
- Options Page: Fixed issue with load_value preventing the options page using default values – credits
- AJAX: Fix chrome bug – untick category – credits
- JS: Fixed multiple Internet Explorer issues
In general, version 4.1.7 improves again on some core functionality surrounding saving values. Previously, ACF would run the save function twice; once for the post revision, and again for the actual post. Now, all database updates are cached the first time round, meaning there is no need for any logic to be run when saving the actual post. This will hopefully increase save time and reduce PHP memory limit issues.
Many JS issues have been resolved and you will notice a new feature on the radio button field allowing for a custom ‘other’ value to be stored and even added to the field’s choices
In other news
The new support forum is traveling well after its recent beta debut! After a great user response, I will be unveiling the support forum to the world over this weekend. Expect a blog post outlining all the details, but in general, the current support forum will be moved to a ‘’ sub domain and the new forum will take it’s place.
Also, please note that no data will be migrated from the old to new support forum. Vanilla forums do not offer an export feature and we should take this opportunity to start fresh with new relevant topics, answers and results!
Coming up next
Big news! With v4.1.7 complete, there is a clear view to the v4.2.0 release which will provide full support for image custom fields! Also, work will start soon on a new section to the ACF site; Knowledge Base. This section will act as a knowledge center that sits between the documentation and the forum. It’s main objective is to offer simple tutorials and questions with answers that reference the documentation.
For plugin support, please contact our support team directly, as comments aren't actively monitored.