5 Jan

ACF v4.3.3 released

By Elliot Condon

Happy new years! To kick start 2014, a new update is available for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.This update contains some great bug fixes, new features and a refined style to fit in with the new WP 3.8 flat design. Here’s what’s new:

  • Core: Updated styling to suit WP 3.8
  • Core: Added new logic to set ‘autoload’ to ‘off’ on all values saved to the wp_options table to help improve load speed
  • API: Added new logic to the $post_id parameter to accept an object of type post, user or taxonomy term
  • Tab field: Added compatibility with taxonomy term and user edit screens (table layout)
  • Tab field: Fixed JS bug causing incorrect tab to show when validation fails
  • Text field: Fixed bug causing append setting of ‘+50′ to appear as ’50’

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