21 Jan 25

- Tagged in "Guides" -

Troubleshooting Validation Security Nonce Errors

With ACF 6.3.12 and above, there are two potential errors that can appear if ACF is unable to verify the security nonce while validating your fields. ACF was unable to perform validation because the provided nonce failed verification. This error indicates that ACF received a security nonce, but the nonce failed verification. This can occur […]

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9 Oct 24

ACF Security Principles

Introduction Advanced Custom Fields is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily store custom data attached to WordPress data types, such as posts, pages, users, taxonomies, etc. This additional data is stored in the database in eith... Continue Reading

31 Jul 24

Improving ACF Performance

Overview Clients, editors, and end users all expect the WordPress sites you build with ACF to deliver a fast and frictionless experience. In this guide, we explore several strategies to ensure ACF delivers optimal performance, including lev... Continue Reading

23 Nov 23

How to Include ACF PRO in a Plugin or Theme

To include ACF PRO within your plugin or theme, first make sure you are following the rules and conditions, and then download the appropriate ACF plugin files and copy them into your plugin or theme. We recommend using the folder includes/a... Continue Reading

23 Nov 23

Including ACF Within a Plugin or Theme

Introduction The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is a powerful tool for developing bespoke websites and web-apps. Although designed primarily for individual use, it may also be used as a framework by both plugin and theme authors to power the... Continue Reading

23 Nov 23

How to Update

This guide shows how to update the Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugins on your website. Updates can be applied by either of the two methods shown below. One Click Update   Versions of ACF 6.3.8 and later, and ... Continue Reading

15 Nov 23

License Activations

ACF PRO has always required a license to use PRO features and this will shortly be enforced in the plugin. Sites without an active license will display a warning in the ACF screens as of ACF 6.2.3, and will have the following restrictions i... Continue Reading

11 Oct 23

ACF Blocks: Using InnerBlocks and Parent/Child Relationships

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to utilize the InnerBlocks component within an ACF Block. We’ll also demonstrate how you can leverage relationships to nest blocks while limiting their discoverability. By the end of the tuto... Continue Reading

3 Oct 23

How to Create an Options Page

Options pages are setting pages in the WordPress admin area containing fields with the ability to control global options. This allows builders or clients to make one change and update content that appears in many places throughout the site:... Continue Reading

29 Sep 23

Conditional Logic

Overview Conditional logic allows you to set rules regarding when a custom field should appear, based on the values of other fields in the same field group. The “Conditional Logic” setting tab is available for most ACF field types, givi... Continue Reading