✋ We’ve launched a new JavaScript API full of powerful functions, actions and filters! If you are using ACF 5.7 or above, please checkout our JavaScript API.
This article will cover how to add custom JS to interact with and modify ACF fields and settings. Similar to the many WordPress actions and filters available in PHP, ACF adopts a similar model for it’s Javascript.
Getting Started
There are two methods to add custom javascript to the WordPress dashboard; include a script file or append an inline script. It is recommended that you include a JS file if you intend to write lots of functionality.
To include a JS file within the dashboard, you can make use of the wp_enqueue_script function like so.

function my_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-admin-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/example.js', array(), '1.0.0', true );
add_action('acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_admin_enqueue_scripts');
To append inline JS within the dashboard, you can make use of the acf/input/admin_footer
action. This action is run in the footer of any admin page where ACF fields may exist.

function my_acf_input_admin_footer() {
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
// JS here
add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'my_acf_input_admin_footer');
Below is a list of all available JS actions. Hooking into an action is made possible by a JS function called add_action
on the acf
object. If you are using the ready action, it is a good idea to also hook into the append action with the same functionality.
Called when the document is ready once the page has initially loaded.
acf.add_action('ready', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to $('body')
// find a specific field
var $field = $('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions ready_field
and ready_field/type={$field_type}
Called when new HTML is appended to the page. This occurs when adding a new repeater row, adding a new flexible content layout and when new field groups are loaded via AJAX. If you are using the append action, it is a good idea to also hook into this action with the same functionality.
acf.add_action('append', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to the new element being appended $('tr.row')
// find a specific field
var $field = $el.find('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions append_field
and append_field/type={$field_type}
Called when the window has loaded all assets. This action is desired over ‘ready’ when the width and height if an image is needed for logic.
acf.add_action('load', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to $('body')
// find a specific field
var $field = $el.find('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions load_field
and load_field/type={$field_type}
Called when HTML is removed from the page. This occurs when removing a repeater row or removing a flexible content layout.
acf.add_action('remove', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to the new element being removed $('tr.row')
// find a specific field
var $field = $el.find('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions remove_field
and remove_field/type={$field_type}
Called when HTML has begun to move around the page via drag/drop. This occurs when reordering a repeater row or reordering a flexible content layout.
acf.add_action('sortstart', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to the new element being moved $('tr.row')
// find a specific field
var $field = $el.find('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions sortstart_field
and sortstart_field/type={$field_type}
Called when HTML has finished being moved around the page via drag/drop. This occurs when reordering a repeater row or reordering a flexible content layout.
acf.add_action('sortstop', function( $el ){
// $el will be equivalent to the new element being moved $('tr.row')
// find a specific field
var $field = $el.find('#my-wrapper-id');
// do something to $field
This action also fires on each field via the actions sortstop_field
and sortstop_field/type={$field_type}
Called when a field has been hidden via either a tab or by conditional logic.
acf.add_action('hide_field', function( $field, context ){
// context is a string of either 'tab' or 'conditional_logic'
// do something to $field
This action also fires on a field specific basis hide_field/type={$field_type}
Called when a field has been shown via either a tab or by conditional logic.
acf.add_action('show_field', function( $field, context ){
// context is a string of either 'tab' or 'conditional_logic'
// do something to $field
This action also fires on a field specific basis show_field/type={$field_type}
Called when a date picker has been initialized. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('date_picker_init', function( $input, args, $field ){
// $input (jQuery) text input element
// args (object) args given to the datepicker function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a date time picker has been initialized. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('date_time_picker_init', function( $input, args, $field ){
// $input (jQuery) text input element
// args (object) args given to the datepicker function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a time picker has been initialized. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('time_picker_init', function( $input, args, $field ){
// $input (jQuery) text input element
// args (object) args given to the datepicker function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a Select2 element has been initialized. By default, ACF includes the Select2 v3 library which requires a hidden input to be used for Select2 initialization. It is possible to include the Select2 v4 library, and if so, the $input arg will supply a ‘select’ element instead of a hidden input due to changes in the library. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('select2_init', function( $input, args, settings, $field ){
// $input (jQuery) hidden input element
// args (object) args given to the select2 function
// settings (object) settings given to the acf.select2 function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a WYSIWYG tinymce element has been initialized. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('wysiwyg_tinymce_init', function( ed, id, mceInit, $field ){
// ed (object) tinymce object returned by the init function
// id (string) identifier for the tinymce instance
// mceInit (object) args given to the tinymce function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a WYSIWYG quickktags element has been initialized. Each tinymce instance can also contain a ‘text’ edit mode that shows basic ‘quicktag’ buttons. Added in v5.5.8
acf.add_action('wysiwyg_quicktags_init', function( qtag, id, qtInit, $field ){
// qtag (object) quick tag object returned by the init function
// id (string) identifier for the qtag instance
// qtInit (object) args given to the quick tag function
// $field (jQuery) field element
Called when a Google Map element has been initialized. Added in v5.5.11
acf.add_action('google_map_init', function( map, marker, $field ){
// map (object) google map object returned by the google.maps.Map() function
// marker (object) marker object returned by the google.maps.Marker() function
// $field (jQuery) field element
This filter allows the validation JSON response to be customized. Called after AJAX validation is complete but before errors are shown or the form is submitted.
acf.add_filter('validation_complete', function( json, $form ){
// if errors?
if( json.errors ) {
// return
return json;
This filter allows the tinyMCE settings to be customized for each WYSIWYG field. Called before the tinyMCE instance is created.
acf.add_filter('wysiwyg_tinymce_settings', function( mceInit, id, $field ){
// do something to mceInit
// return
return mceInit;
This filter allows the quicktags settings to be customized for each WYSIWYG field. Called before the text instance is created.
acf.add_filter('wysiwyg_quicktags_settings', function( qtInit, id, $field ){
// do something to qtInit
// return
return qtInit;
This filter allows the date picker settings to be customized for each date picker field. Called before the date picker instance is created. A full list of settings can be found here: https://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/
acf.add_filter('date_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
// do something to args
// return
return args;
This filter allows the date time picker settings to be customized for each date time picker field. Called before the date time picker instance is created. A full list of settings can be found here: http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/
acf.add_filter('date_time_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
// do something to args
// return
return args;
This filter allows the time picker settings to be customized for each time picker field. Called before the time picker instance is created. A full list of settings can be found here: http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/
acf.add_filter('time_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
// do something to args
// return
return args;
This filter allows the google maps settings to be customized for each googe maps field. Called before the map instance is created.
acf.add_filter('google_map_args', function( args, $field ){
// do something to args
// return
return args;
This filter allows the select2 settings to be customized for each select field. Called before the select2 instance is created.
acf.add_filter('select2_args', function( args, $select, settings, $field ){
// do something to args
// return
return args;
This filter allows the data sent in an ajax request to be customized for each select field. Called before the select2 ajax request is created.
acf.add_filter('select2_ajax_data', function( data, args, $input, $field ){
// do something to data
// return
return data;
This filter allows the color picker (wpColorPicker) settings to be customized for each color picker field. This filter is called before the wpColorPicker instance is created. Added in v 5.3.6
acf.add_filter('color_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
// do something to args
args.palettes = ['#5ee8bf', '#2f353e', '#f55e4f']
// return
return args;
Supercharge Your Website With Premium Features Using ACF PRO
Speed up your workflow and unlock features to better develop websites using ACF Blocks and Options Pages, with the Flexible Content, Repeater, Clone, Gallery Fields & More.
- Actions: acf/input/admin_footer
- Actions: acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts
- Actions: acf/input/admin_head
- Actions: acf/field_group/admin_footer
- Actions: acf/field_group/admin_head