The Color Picker field provides an interactive way to select a hex color string using Iris.
- Default Value The default value initially loaded into the Color Picker when first editing the field’s value.
- Enable Transparency
Enable transparency control on the color picker. If enabled the Return format options switch to RGBA string or RGBA array.
Template usage
The Color Picker field will return a string value containing the HEX color value including the prefix ‘#’. Below are examples using a Color Picker field named "color".
Display value within inline styles
This example demonstrates how to generate an inline style using a Color Picker value.
<div style="background-color:<?php the_field('color'); ?>">
Display value within style tags
This example demonstrates how to generate a CSS class using a Color Picker value.
<style type="text/css">
.primary-background {
background-color: <?php the_field('primary_background_color'); ?>;
<div class="primary-background">
The Color picker field modal can be customized via the JS filter color_picker_args.