True / False

Last updated Feb 17, 2022


The True / False field allows you to select a value that is either 1 or 0.



  • Added UI setting in version 5.5.0.
  • Added On Text setting in version 5.5.0.
  • Added Off Text setting in version 5.5.0.


  • Message
    The text displayed alongside the toggle.

  • Default Value
    Specifies the default state selected when first editing the field’s value.

  • Stylized UI
    Changes the default checkbox input into a stylized toggle switch.

  • On Text
    The text displayed within the stylized toggle switch. Defaults to ‘Yes’. HTML may be entered for icons or custom markup.

  • Off Text
    The text displayed within the stylized toggle switch. Defaults to ‘No’. HTML may be entered for icons or custom markup.

Template usage

The True / False field returns a Boolean value of either true or false. Note that the actual value saved into the database is an integer of either 1 or 0.


This example demonstrates how to use the value of ‘enable_sidebar’ to conditionally do a task.

if( get_field('color') ) {
    // Do something.

Query Posts

This example demonstrates how to query posts that have a true value for the field ‘show_in_sidebar’.


$posts = get_posts( array(
    'meta_query' => array(
            'key'   => 'show_in_sidebar',
            'value' => '1',
) );

if( $posts ) {
    foreach( $posts as $post ) {
        // Do something.
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